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Bay Ridge Festival 2022


Dear Teachers,  


Thanks for your ongoing patience, understanding and flexibility. Due to the ongoing pandemic, you may be receiving updated schedules as we approach the Festival dates.  Remember, our first and foremost priority is the students.


Feel free to browse our festival website as it has recently been updated.




  • Download and print the VIVACE generated rating sheet. These are computer generated with individual bar code assigned to each student. No other rating sheets will be accepted.
    Helpful Video: Vivace – Downloading a Student History | Downloading Rating Sheets - YouTube (around 4 min. mark)

    2 copies for Solo/Concerto/Pat/Folk/Hymn/Duet, etc. 1 copy for Sightplay. 

  • Please be sure students provide original music to the judges and clearly mark the measures.  Students will be disqualified if there is no music for the Judges.

Copyright Rules and Regulations will be strictly enforced. Copyright permission and/or purchased receipt must accompany any printed computer-generated music. All music must be in paper form and standard solo format: No orchestral scores or e-devices are allowed. Students must have their own original solo music. Not adhering to these Rules will result in a disqualification.

  • Please provide a list of students’ names and events. This will help the judges stay on schedule.

Cindy Lu E1
Mark Jones P2

Jane Smith E4 & J2 Concerto

John Lopez PP

If you have many students, you may want to assign more specific times for your students within your time block. This will eliminate extensive waiting and help with social distancing.


Additional Forms Required: Deadline February 1st, 2022

Please note: You may send the forms via snail mail to Ivanka Stefanov or submit electronically by uploading to


  • There will not be practice/warm-up rooms available.

  • Sight Play - Students scheduled for Feb. 19th and 20th will do all events at the same time. Students scheduled for Feb. 26th will need to sign up for sight play time outside room #123.

  • Theory will be offered every audition day in Room #107. Students may take the test before or after their playing audition. Last student will be admitted at 4pm, so plan accordingly.

  • Theory Practice Tests and Performance Etiquette are located under Extra Info tab.

  • HCC Floor maps and parking info is located under the Event Days tab (bottom of the page). 

  • Teachers are not permitted to collect their own student’s rating sheets from the judges.


  • NEW: Rating Sheets pick-up - Vivace system requires manual computer entry by two different administrators. This means it will take twice as long to get everything recorded and there is a possibility that the rating sheets may NOT be available for pick up on the day of the festival.

For options on how to pick up the Rating Sheets please click on Receiving Rating Sheets PDF


  • Reminder: It is teacher’s responsibility to let the students and accompanists know the date, time and location of their audition.


  • NEW: Parking is NOT free - City of Tampa has purchased HCC parking lots, and everyone will have to pay for parking. There are multiple parking kiosks located around the campus to pay, or you can use a parking app on your phone. Look for the signs like these to locate which parking zone you have parked in and how to pay. Street parking is free for 2 hours. 

    If you do not pay for parking, you may get a ticket. Bay Ridge Festival is not responsible for parking tickets. 














Please make sure your parents and students are aware of the new parking regulations.
This information can be found under Event Days tab of our website. 


  • NEW: Certificates – NFMC has encountered multiple obstacles with printing new certificates for this year. Between changing printing companies and paper supply shortage, the certificates may not be ready in time for the festival. We will keep you updated to when the certificate will be available and how to pick them up.

  • Video/Audio Recording is NOT permitted. 




Thank you for your cooperation to make the Festival run as smoothly as possible.



The Bay Ridge Festival 2022 Covid-19 Procedures for In-Person Auditions

• Masks are REQUIRED for everyone in the building.

• Only 1 (one) parent per student will be allowed in the audition room.

• Only 5 people will be allowed in a room: 2 judges, 1 teacher, 1 student performing, 1 parent.

• Students should wash hands before and after their audition.

• Teachers will be responsible to bring supplies and clean and sanitize the piano(s) for their students.

• Optional - Students may remove the mask while playing.

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