January 2024 Updates​
Piano/Voice/Clarinet Schedule has been sent out via email. If you have not received it, please contact the committee ASAP.
​​December 2023 Updates
Vivace registration is closed. The Bay Ridge Committee is working on approving entries and the official invoice will be sent out via email. If you don't receive your invoice by Dec. 12, let us know. Festival fees are due by December 18th, 2023 (postmarked).​Schedule will be published beginning of January 2024.​​
October/November 2023 Updates
Bay Ridge Festival 2024 registration is open until December 1st at 11:59pm. All registration is done via Vivace.
​August/September 2023 Updates
Senior and Junior Memberships are approaching.
January 2023 Updates
Piano and voice schedule has been sent out via email.
December 2022 Updates
​Bay Ridge Festival 2023 invoices have been sent out. Please check your emails and send in your fees.
Due Dates:
Festival Fees - December 17, 2022 (postmarked)
​Make checks payable to Bay Ridge District and send to Ivanka Stefanov, 9005 Bana Villa Ct., Tampa 33635 -
Receiving Graded Rating Sheet Form - December 17, 2022
FFMC Child Protection Form - February 1, 2023
September 2022 Updates
Looking ahead to the FFMC State Junior Convention (May 5-6, 2023 at USF, Tampa)
If you plan to enter your students in the Junior Convention, please read the correlation and memorization requirements listed in the Junior Procedures Manual. Though these requirements do not apply to Festival, they do apply to the Junior Convention and some events require planning prior to Festival. If they have specific questions, have them email jr.convention@ffmc-music.org.
In addition, there were a few approved proposals at the Senior Convention in Jacksonville:
Student entry fee increase
1-2 events: $35
3-4 events: $50
5-6 events: $65
7-8 events: $80
Teacher fee increase:
Maximum competitors in Solo events
30 maximum per event (changed from 44)
Judges in Sightplay
2 judges for all sightplay events (changed from 3)
Teacher information email has been sent out on September 13, 2022 regarding the Bay Ridge Festival Tampa 2023 as well as how to access the Teacher Info Tab. If you did not receive it let the committee know.
August 2022 Updates
Dear Teachers,
You are invited to an in-person teacher meeting on Friday, August 26th at 10am at the Friday Morning Musicale Building - located at 809 W Horatio St, Tampa, FL 33606.
This meeting will be relevant in many ways for you as a teacher, your students and the organization. We will be discussing numerous changes and updates in the upcoming festival as well as some specific jobs that will help us all grow at the Bay Ridge Festival.
March 2022 Updates
IMPORTANT info regarding The FFMC Junior Convention!!!
Dear FFMC members,
Attached you will find FFMC's Junior Convention flyer, with information and instructions to register for the 2022 FFMC State Junior Convention.
The enrollment process is slightly different this year, but we will be here to answer all of your questions and provide you with tutorials!
TEACHER REGISTRATION: available now - March 1, 2022
Complete the Google Form: click HERE
STUDENT APPLICATIONS: March 1, 2022 - March 10, 2022
On March 1, HeartOut will email you a username and password to login and fill out your student applications. Complete this by March 10, 2022.
PAYMENT DEADLINE: March 10, 2022
Complete your invoice (click HERE) and mail to FFMC's Treasurer, along with a check payable to: FFMC, Inc by March 10, 2022.
FFMC Treasurer
Suzanne Carpenter
P.O. Box 357275
Gainesville, FL 32635-7275
Information regarding hotels, parking, protocols, etc will be included in the next email!
Questions? Feel free to email jr.convention@ffmc-music.org.
FFMC Junior Convention Committee
February 2022 Updates
Teachers, please check your email for Final piano/voice/strings schedule as well as information on how to access the Teacher Info tab.
NEW: Parking is NOT free - City of Tampa has purchased HCC parking lots, and everyone will have to pay for parking. There are multiple parking kiosks located around the campus to pay, or you can use a parking app on your phone. Look for the signs like these to locate which parking zone you have parked in and how to pay. Street parking is free for 2 hours.
If you do not pay for parking, you may get a ticket. Bay Ridge Festival is not responsible for parking tickets.
To find information about parking and floor maps to go to HCC Parking Info | Tampa Festival.
Covid-19 Protocols for 2022 In-Person Auditions:
- Masks are REQUIRED for everyone in the building.
- Only 1 (one) parent per student will be allowed in the audition room.
- Only 5 people will be allowed in a room: 2 judges, 1 teacher, 1 student performing, 1 parent.
- Students should wash hands before and after their audition.
- Teachers will be responsible to bring supplies and clean and sanitize the piano(s) for their students.
- Optional - Students may remove the mask while playing.
January 2022 Updates
Festival Schedule for piano events has been sent out. Teachers, please check your email and distribute to your students.
Download and print the VIVACE generated rating sheet. These are computer generated with individual bar code assigned to each student. No other rating sheets will be accepted.
Helpful Video: Vivace – Downloading a Student History | Downloading Rating Sheets (around 4 min. mark)
2 copies for Solo/Concerto/Pat/Folk/Hymn/Duet, etc. 1 copy for Sightplay.
Please be sure students provide original music to the judges and clearly mark the measures. Students will be disqualified if there is no music for the Judges.
Practice Theory Tests can be found under Extra Info tab or Festivals – National Federation of Music Clubs (nfmc-music.org)
December 2021 Updates
The Vivace Registration is due December 1st by 11:59pm.
Festival fees are due by December 15, 2021 (postmarked). Make checks payable to Bay Ridge District and send to Ivanka Stefanov, 9005 Bana Villa Ct., Tampa 33635. Include a copy of your invoice.
Please make your checks payable to Bay Ridge District (not Bay Ridge Festival as it says on the invoice).
Payments postmarked after Dec. 15 will be subject to $30 late fee.
November 2021 Updates
NEW: Latest NFMC Bulletin Adjustments (click) - updated November 18, 2021
The Vivace Registration is OPEN and will be until December 1st at 11:59pm.
Students who are out-of-state and still studying with a FFMC teacher will be permitted to participate in the festival via Zoom. Proof of Residence form is required - Out-of-State Residence Form. Please fill out the form, sign and upload to https://www.dropbox.com/request/o0QSXnGbuQsFkouXRxFj
October 2021 Updates​
Bay Ridge Festival 2022 Info letter went out on October 7, 2021 at 8:14 pm - download the letter
NEW: Updates and changes from Esther Umansky-Roth, FFMC Festivals Chair and FFMC Junior Division Chair
1. State Junior Convention Rule.
The following requirement has been removed from the Junior Procedures Manual:
Juniors who enter concerto and/or ensemble events at State Junior Convention must also enter in the respective solo events at District Festival that would fulfill both the event/level correlations and ensemble partner levels per the NFMC Festivals Bulletin.
This means your students may enter Concerto/Ensemble events at the State Convention, WITHOUT the requirement of playing a Solo at Festival.
2. New Chamber Music Award.
The Glen & Barbara Smerage Chamber Music Award is new to FFMC. The winning ensemble will receive $2,500 to be distributed among the performers. More information on eligibility can be found HERE.
3. Live Accompanying.
Last year, the use of recorded tracks or no accompaniment was permitted. This year, regardless of whether your Festival is virtual, in-person or hybrid, students must perform with a live accompanist for all Florida Festivals.
4. Junior Convention Preliminaries.
The following Piano and Violin Concerto preliminaries will be held via HeartOut, a few weeks prior to the State Convention:
Piano: Junior 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, Senior
Violin: Junior 3, Senior
The selected finalists will perform in-person at the State Convention. More information, including dates, will be announced in the coming weeks.
5. 2022 FFMC Junior Convention.
The Junior Convention will be held in-person on May 7 - 8, 2022 at the University of South Florida in Tampa.
September 2021 Updates
Vivace Registration will be open October 17 until December 1, 2021
Committee will approve all entries December 2-10, 2021
Festival Invoices email will be sent out via Vivace on December 11, 2021
Festival fees are due by December 15, 2021 (postmarked)
August 2021 Updates
NEW: There will no longer be $5 surcharge fee.
NEW: $5.00 flat rate for Junior III and Senior Concerto (rather than $5.50)
Teachers must commit in Vivace at the time of registration about cup participation. Students can opt out for certain events.
Gold cup fees are to be pre-paid with registration fees. The Vivace cost structure will now allow opt-out.